Nominate your favorite bento blogs and sites!

I have to confess, I'm pretty bad about linking to other bento blogs. I am so caught up in my own sites that there just isn't enough time! So...I'm asking you all to help me assemble a good link list of really useful bento related sites that you love (besides Just Bento of course!)

Please list your nomination as a reply to this like so:

  • name of blog (required)

  • url (required)

  • what language it's in (if not English) (required)

  • who owns it if you know

  • the main focus of the blog or site (besides being about bento)

  • your reasons for nominating it

I'll check out your nominations and add them to a proper link list. You can nominate your own blog, but be extra-persuasive!

Thanks everyone!

(I do know about several great bento sites of course...but I thought I'd leave the slate blank so to speak so as not to influence your nominations (for the English language ones anyway).)

[Edited again:] So far we have the following (I've added a few non-English ones...will add more later. They are worth visiting even if you don't read the language for the photos and so on!) Sites that are not just about bentos but with substantial bento content, or 'lunchbox' material, are ok too


- Neko bento:



  • to come

Let's hear about some more sites! :)

Taxonomy upgrade extras: