just bento cookbook

Another update on the Just Bento Cookbook

I've been getting several emails asking about the availability of The Just Bento Cookbook. Apparently it has been selling out and is out of stock, even on Amazon.com. I am happy to say that the book is being reprinted again as we speak, so hopefully you should be able to pick up a copy before the holidays. It will be the 5th printing for the little book, which is just amazing to me.

The Just Bento Cookbook is one of the top 10 cookbooks of 2011 on Amazon.com

I have already tweeted and er, Facebooked (is that a word?) about this, but I got a nudge from a certain quarter to put it right here too. So here it is, tooting my own horn ^_^: The Just Bento Cookbook was selected by Amazon.com as one of the top 10 books in the Cooking, Food and Wine category in 2011 (so far)!
