site news

I'm in the process of updating JustBento, and so you may see some disruptions to service over the weekend. Fear not though, the site is alive and well, just getting some work done. ^_^ If you need something to read in the meantime JustHungry will stay open (I'm working on one site at a time), where I've just posted the final lesson in the Japanese Cooking 101 course. Also: if you're looking for a Mother's Day bento set, monbento has a 20% off sale on a very nice pink and white set right now. OK pink for moms may be a bit of a cliché is very nice looking! I'll see you back here next week, hopefully with the site still intact ^_^; Update: Looks like all is well for the moment..iif you're seeing this line the move well ok!

To those of you who follow JustBento but don't follow JustHungry: the first lesson in the Japanese Cooking 101 course has been posted. If you're interested in cooking traditional Japanese style bentos, you will find the course to be a good foundation to that. Join us!


About my new Pinterest board dedicated to bento ideas, plus a social media roundup.

Announcing the first bento course for 2013! Bento101: Getting Into the Bento Habit

Announcing a new venture on JustBento: Bento Courses.

...over on Just Hungry In other words, I'll be back very soon. ^_^


Coming back soon...

For anyone who has been wondering about the lack of new posts here, this over on Just Hungry should explain things. I'm really hoping to feel well enough to write with pleasure about food, let alone bentos, soon. In the meantime, especially if you are new to the site, please take a look through the archives - there's a lot here! Thank you for your patience.
